Nächste Events

About us

What we do

What we do

In recent years, we have successfully organised events such as theGreen Tourism Camp and theGreenSign Summer Camp organised. We also successfully took over the organisation of the Future Hospitality Days (2022 to 2024). In 2024, we went one better: we expanded our event portfolio and placed an even stronger focus on Sustainability - both in the planning and implementation as well as in the content. The GreenSign Communtiy Circleand the GreenSign Future Lab what launched.

With our events, we want to offer the GreenSign community, consisting of certified companies and partners, even more added value. Our events stand for networking, knowledge exchange and inspiration. GreenSign newcomers are also welcome at any time!

The team behind


Julia Bollino

Event Business Development & Partner Relations Manager

Suzann Heinemann

CEO & Founder GreenSign Institute

The GreenSign Institute

The GreenSign Institute

The GreenSign Institute has been assessing sustainability performance with the GreenSign certificate since 2015. Originally developed for the hotel industry, the conformity assessment programme now covers other sectors, taking into account the specific characteristics of each. GreenSign is practice-oriented and takes into account specifications from standards such as EMAS, DIN ISO 14001 or ISO 26000. The conformity assessment programme evaluates and documents the status of a company's ecological, social and economic measures.

The results from more than 130 criteria in ten core areas contribute to the 17 SDGs. The results, which are assessed and confirmed by means of an audit, are presented in a certificate - GreenSign - showing the degree of conformity. The transparent assessment programme enables companies to demonstrate their sustainable business practices to the market. The GreenSign Institute also offers the calculation of a CO2 footprint for the company.

In addition to the hotel's own orientation, this is often in demand in business with corporate clients. The GreenSign certificate for hotels, which is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), is the market leader in Germany. In total, more than 900 establishments are already certified, mainly in Germany but also in 18 other countries.

We want to help find sensible solutions and alternatives with economic incentives and keep the company innovative and profitable in the long term with an environmental strategy. At the same time, we want to support entrepreneurs on their way to continuously improving their sustainability performance. We see our GreenSign Community as a network in which we inspire each other, learn from each other and provide mutual support. Sustainability is most enjoyable when it is driven forward together.

We create transparency about sustainable business management by providing companies and consumers with verified information in the three pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy and social issues - in order to shape a responsible future.
greensign team juni2024 GreenSign Logo

What we stand for

Sustainability is not only a top priority when it comes to the content of our events, but also runs continuously through all processes and projects. By integrating sustainability holistically into our events, we not only create a platform for dialogue and learning, but also help to shape a more sustainable future. This is our contribution to long-term change and shows that events can not only be entertaining and informative, but also responsible and future-orientated.

We have therefore created a guideline for the sustainable organisation of events. This guide is intended to serve as an inspiration and guideline for both you and us on how we can organise events even more sustainably.

Leitfaden GreenSign.Events 2025

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